Monday, March 23, 2009

Dow goes up, Republicans Still Disapprove of Stimulus Bill

Tonight on, "The Rachel Maddow Show," Rachel discussed the current state of the economy and Obama's budget plan with politician Sherrod Brown. As a direct, yet indirect result of the revelation of Geithner's new bank plan, the Dow surged about 500 points. Despite the recent improvements in our frazzled economy, there are, of course, many who do not approve with the current administration's economic plan.

Anyone want to take a wild guess of who these fellows are? Across the nation, Republican politicians are still denouncing the budget plan. Some Governors are even going as far as refusing to accept money from the national stimulus bill.

Although I don't fully agree with Obama's economic positions and current plan, and can certainly resonate with Republicans on some of these iffy issues, I don't think they have the right to be this judgemental...yet. Yes, the stimulus plan may fail. And yes, raising taxes on America's highest wage earners during a recession is kind of hypocritical. But so far, Obama and his cabinet are working tirelessly to help all Americans. This is not a proper time to be picky, especially when Bush, a Republican president, plummaged our country into debt and the current recession.

If in six months nothing has improved, by all means, skeptical Republicans, please come out on the record and say, "I told you so." But for now, just sit back, relax, and watch Bill O'Reilly.

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