Monday, March 9, 2009

Stem Cell Research Gains Momentum

A major victory was won today for science, technology, and medical innovation. On both "The Rachel Maddow Show" and "Countdown with Keith Olbermann," each political analyst revealed how Obama has reversed Bush's previous anti-Stem Cell Research ban. Obama declared that this was a win for science, and against efforts to make political decisions based on personal ideology. This overturning of Bush's plan will greatly increase funding for Stem Cell Research, and will hopefully lead to cure creations for diseases such as Diabetes, Parkinson's Disease, and Alzheimer's disease. In addition, Obama has emphasized the importance of "scientific integrity" and how the government must support a decision that could have the ability to ease human suffering. A breakthrough in this research could potentially help over millions of Americans and countless others around the world.

I am thrilled to see increasing funding for stem cell research. With increased biomedical research and experimentation, who knows what diseases could be eradicated. Some believe that stem cells may even be able to be used to cure some types of cancer.

What do you guys think? Will increased stem cell research be beneficial to our country?

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