Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Bush to Pen an Autobiography...Really?

Tonight on,"Countdown with Keith Olbermann," the substitute anchor discussed how former president, George W. Bush, is intending to write a super-honest memoir on his White House glory days. In the book, he plans on discussing his decisions such as invading Afghanistan and to begin the War in Iraq. He wants readers to see his point of view, raw and uncut.

While I applaud the audacity to share his opinions on his controversial two terms in office, I really don't think America will be too psyched to sink their teeth into Bush's book. I mean, look at the grandiose mess we're in now. Americans are having enough financial issues, and probably will not be willing to spend however amount of money on the man who turned our country into the ground.

Do you guys think this is too soon? Does a Bush memoir really have consumer appeal right now?

1 comment:

  1. Personally, I know I wouldn't be interested in reading his book. Between his poor speaking abilities and his tendency to make up words, I can't imagine it being very well written. But besides that, I really don't feel like anything he has to say right now can be taken seriously. The Bush administration had several instances of dishonesty, and by writing this book right now I would read it with the preconceived mind-frame that he was just trying to come up with excuses. Right now is definitely too soon, considering we're still dealing with the mess he left us with and will be for a long time. I think the book would appeal to Conservatives more than any body else simply because those are the people that would be interested in hearing his side of the story and sympathize with him more.
