Thursday, March 12, 2009

Bristol Palin Further Proves she Needs to be on the Jerry Springer Show

According to, Bristol Palin, 18, has broken up with her son Tripp's father, Levi Johnston. They had previously announced plans to wed in hopes of providing a healthy home life for their newborn son. one saw this one coming! I have to admit, though, sometimes I really feel bad for this girl. You know if she had been taught properly about birth control, pregnancy, or freedom to choose as a woman, Bristol probably would have made better decisions. However, when your mom is uber-conservative Sarah Palin, it must be hard to actually make your own, let alone good, choices.

I really just hope Bristol and her son can have a normal life, and that someday she can have the opportunity to attend college and have a real career. What are your thoughts on Bristol and her family life?


  1. This just goes to show the way in which media has changed so much. It proves that media has strayed away from providing the public with meaningful and useful information in order to increase ratings and entertain their viewers/readers. I mean, honestly, how is this piece of information about Sarah Palin's daughter breaking up with her son's father ever going to benefit us in life? Yes, to some it is very entertaining and they would prefer this sort of "news" but in reality it is not news at all. It is entertainment.
    I do agree with you on the point of Bristol at one point being able to just lead a normal life. Unfortunately, the media no longer allows this for celebrities and their family. This sort of stuff happens every day around the world but it never seems to be a big deal until it happens to someone who is in the "spot light". It is very unfortunate and I also feel bad for Bristol because she is not able to lead her life like a normal young woman and it is sad. The media follows her every move and it is not fair to her or any other person of such status.

  2. I agree with Chris. This is not vital information, it's just interesting. Of course, the bigger concern might be how as American's have we become conditioned to find this interesting? Now going in a different direction, I cannot stand this entire family! I heard about his on E! News and they were saying that Bristol did not want her child around him because he and his family are "white trash". Incredible! Do the Palin's realize when you make critical comments like that it doesn't exactly make you look classy? Also, I find it funny that a woman as conservative as Sarah Palin, who is still raising her child, now has to help raise her bastard grandchild. I personally don't judge Bristol for having that baby, don't get me wrong, I just think based on her mother's rigid, unwaivering, misguided political beliefs it's a funny situation.

  3. I totally agree with you both! The whole situation is just so ironic. Our country has been so blinded by ideologies and values that we have lost our moral boundaries along the way. Also, the media's obsession with the Palin family and poor Bristol has only exacerbated America's moral discussion. The media frenzy in regards to Bristol's pregnancy and now birth is just out of control. Let's just leave her alone already!
