Monday, March 23, 2009

A-Rod: The Eliot Spitzer of Sports

For some reason, a top story today on reveals that Yankees baseball player, Alex Rodriguez, has been linked to a madam that has previously claimed to work with shamed New York Governor, Eliot Spitzer. Allegedly, a then-married A-Rod "dated" a few prostitutes in madam, Kristin Davis' brothel, along with the buxom madam herself. Davis said, "In regard to Alex, all I can say is our paths have crossed personally and professionally."

Is this really front page news?

For some reason lately, it seems as if the media is all over, er, "sexually active" high-profile men and their extramarital escapades. While this is certainly entertainment, is this really newsworthy for MSNBC? It's bad enough that hormones have ended Spitzer's political career and Rodriguez's marriage. Let us also not forget that Rodriguez was recently dumped by Madonna for an 18 year-old model named Jesus. Jesus, indeed.

While I recently posted about Bristol Palin, that somehow pertains to politics, and therefore should be covered by MSNBC. However, isn't this kind of story more of a juicy "National Enquirer" or E! Entertainment story? Why is the line between politics and entertainment so blurred nowadays? It seems that politicians are treated as celebrities and celebrities face politician levels of criticism and Hester Prynne-esque debate by the public.

Should A-Rod be written about this much? Should we give these guys a break? Or is all of this public scrutiny warranted?

1 comment:

  1. I 100% agree with you on this subject. This article is definitely worthy of coverage by E! Entertainment but MSNBC?! This sort of story has continuosly been popping up in "news" coverage and it is getting old fast. This is nothing more than entertainment and MSNBC is supposed to be where politics and other IMPORTANT issues are discussed, not the latest sex scandal among athletes or celebrities.

    I do understand why there is so much coverage on A-Rod as he is one of the highest paid athletes ever and has become the latest face of the steroids scandal in baseball but what does him dating a couple prostitues have to do with any of this? Again, I would expect to see this type of coverage many places but not MSNBC...
