Monday, March 9, 2009

Mexico: Home to pristine beaches, guacamole, and...drug wars?

When I watched "The Rachel Maddow Show," along with checking out the MSNBC website today, I was shocked to see how intense the Mexican drug cartel war has gotten. Has coverage of this shocked anyone else this much, too?

According to, "The concern is very real. Mexican drug cartels already control about 90 percent of the cocaine trade across the United States and most of the market for marijuana, methamphetamine and heroin, with operations in 230 cities, according to the U.S. Justice Department’s National Drug Intelligence Center...Mexican drug-trafficking organizations — known in law enforcement lingo as DTOs — “control drug distribution in most U.S. cities, and they are gaining strength in markets that they do not yet control,” the National Drug Intelligence Center reported in its 2009 National Drug Threat Assessment. The report warned that violent urban gangs connected to Mexican cartels were extending their network “from inner cities to suburban and rural areas. Its conclusion: “Mexican DTOs represent the greatest organized crime threat to the United States."

Have U.S. government officials been silenced about this issue? How has there been barely any media coverage of the Mexican drug cartel until recently? This surely has not fallen out of thin air. If not followed up with properly, this could lead to major international conflict. Janet Napolitano, Obama's Homeland Security Secretary, however, seemed confident that this conflict and threat could be dealt with efficiently. Let's hope this is the case.

1 comment:

  1. It is so true. I feel like coverage on Mexico's drug wars has come out of no where and all the coverage talks about the severity of the issue. There's not way it has all of a sudden started to occur. It is obviously somethign that has been a problem for a while, a growing problem, and coverage about concerns should have at least been mentioned before late.

    There are so many times when people push off problems until they can't anymore and they just have to deal with them. This should be something that should have been addressed a while ago and maybe it wouldn't be such a crime threat to the U.S. I get that they're not part of our country and they have to deal with their own issues, but if it is a problem that really threatens or affects us in the United States we should be doing more.

    I too hope this can be dealt with efficiently and I have faith that it can be handled well. I am just boggled as to why this issue has been silent until recently.
