Wednesday, March 25, 2009

An AIG Exec does the Right Thing?

In a surprising turn of events from a few days ago, an AIG executive vice president of the financial division in New York, Jake DeSantis, is resigning from his position and donating his entire bonus to charity, according to MSNBC. Despite feeling unfairly targeted for his work with the financial products division of the company, he feels the most ethical move is to leave his position with AIG.

According to the MSNBC website, DeSantis said, "We in the financial products unit have been betrayed by AIG and are being unfairly persecuted by elected officials. In response to this, I will now leave the company and donate my entire post-tax retention payment to those suffering from the global economic downturn. My intent is to keep none of the money myself."

DeSantis has worked for AIG for eleven years. He claims he can no longer work in such a crazy environment, and was also not "paid out" to leave the company. According to reports, however, DeSantis has said that he feels betrayed by the new Chairman and CEO of AIG, Edward Liddy, and his lack of reverence for his employees.

In another positive turn of events for AIG and the financial world, New York Attorney General, Andrew Cuomo has revealed that 15 out of the 20 AIG employees who received bonuses have agreed to return them.

Wow. I am so relieved to see some morality from these AIG employees. Although I agree that many of these financial bigwigs are shallow and selfish, I was always certain that were a few good guys in this industry. The media certainly loves talking about the bad apples, rather than praising the good men like DeSantis. One of the main problems with news today is the lack of objectivity, as we have learned in class. The media loves tearing the Madoff's of the world apart, whereas the DeSantis of the world will only get an article or two to shine.

All in all, I am thrilled that there is some good in what's left of Wall Street. Hopefully, as the new economy grows, more and more people like these will repair what has been damaged, and the Madoffs and Fulds of finance will merely become a distant memory.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Dow goes up, Republicans Still Disapprove of Stimulus Bill

Tonight on, "The Rachel Maddow Show," Rachel discussed the current state of the economy and Obama's budget plan with politician Sherrod Brown. As a direct, yet indirect result of the revelation of Geithner's new bank plan, the Dow surged about 500 points. Despite the recent improvements in our frazzled economy, there are, of course, many who do not approve with the current administration's economic plan.

Anyone want to take a wild guess of who these fellows are? Across the nation, Republican politicians are still denouncing the budget plan. Some Governors are even going as far as refusing to accept money from the national stimulus bill.

Although I don't fully agree with Obama's economic positions and current plan, and can certainly resonate with Republicans on some of these iffy issues, I don't think they have the right to be this judgemental...yet. Yes, the stimulus plan may fail. And yes, raising taxes on America's highest wage earners during a recession is kind of hypocritical. But so far, Obama and his cabinet are working tirelessly to help all Americans. This is not a proper time to be picky, especially when Bush, a Republican president, plummaged our country into debt and the current recession.

If in six months nothing has improved, by all means, skeptical Republicans, please come out on the record and say, "I told you so." But for now, just sit back, relax, and watch Bill O'Reilly.

A-Rod: The Eliot Spitzer of Sports

For some reason, a top story today on reveals that Yankees baseball player, Alex Rodriguez, has been linked to a madam that has previously claimed to work with shamed New York Governor, Eliot Spitzer. Allegedly, a then-married A-Rod "dated" a few prostitutes in madam, Kristin Davis' brothel, along with the buxom madam herself. Davis said, "In regard to Alex, all I can say is our paths have crossed personally and professionally."

Is this really front page news?

For some reason lately, it seems as if the media is all over, er, "sexually active" high-profile men and their extramarital escapades. While this is certainly entertainment, is this really newsworthy for MSNBC? It's bad enough that hormones have ended Spitzer's political career and Rodriguez's marriage. Let us also not forget that Rodriguez was recently dumped by Madonna for an 18 year-old model named Jesus. Jesus, indeed.

While I recently posted about Bristol Palin, that somehow pertains to politics, and therefore should be covered by MSNBC. However, isn't this kind of story more of a juicy "National Enquirer" or E! Entertainment story? Why is the line between politics and entertainment so blurred nowadays? It seems that politicians are treated as celebrities and celebrities face politician levels of criticism and Hester Prynne-esque debate by the public.

Should A-Rod be written about this much? Should we give these guys a break? Or is all of this public scrutiny warranted?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

AIG Continues Quest to be the Greediest and Shadiest of them all

According to, Obama, along with the Federal Reserve, knew about AIG's plans to distribute bonuses to "top" employees in one of its troubled offices. Apparently, AIG executives informed politicians in Washington approximately three months ago on its plans to give 165 million dollars in bonuses. Now, because of the state of the economy, praised employees are facing pressure from the public and Obama's administration to return the bonus money.

Many Washington politicians are stunned and upset that Secretary of the Treasury, Timothy Geithner, somehow did not know about this bonus business. He is claiming this whole mess to be a "miscommunication." A lot of pressure is being placed on Geithner because of his focal role in bailing out AIG this past fall. Many are suspicious of him and his ties with AIG because of him somehow missing the memo that bailout money was being turned into bonuses.

According to the site, "Democrats and Republicans in Congress are increasingly questioning how Geithner could not have known about the bonuses, given his past role in AIG's bailout, which has totaled more than $170 billion. 'I'm sick and tired of hearing the administration and the Secretary of the Treasury say, 'I just found out about it,' 'Rep. Paul E. Kanjorski (D-Pa.) said yesterday."

However, Geithner claims that he was focused on saving the American economy, and is not responsible to check every move made by AIG or any other corporation who received bailout money. Himself and other high-up officials are also shocked in how the bonuses have been perceived by the media and the general public, and did not expect the "political firestorm" that eventually developed.

Shady. Shady. Shady.

It seems as if every week, another story pops up on MSNBC about corporate companies giving out bonuses with bailout money. These financial bigwigs have no respect, and have clearly lost their perception of ethics as their bank accounts became stuffed with more cash. They should be happy they didn't fully destroy their company, like their colleagues at what used to be Bear Stearns. Hopefully the money given in bonuses will return to the proper hands and go where it was intended to: to rebuild AIG.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Natasha Richardson, RIP

Sadly, it was reported on, "Countdown with Keith Olbermann," tonight, that actress Natasha Richardson has died in a fatal skiing accident. She was taking a skiing lesson while on vacation with her family when a minor fall went awry. Her husband, fellow actor Liam Neeson, and their children, were by her side when she passed.

This is so sad. Just goes to show how short life really is. She was only 45, having fun and staying active, and fell to her death. Scary...and so unfortunate.

Bush to Pen an Autobiography...Really?

Tonight on,"Countdown with Keith Olbermann," the substitute anchor discussed how former president, George W. Bush, is intending to write a super-honest memoir on his White House glory days. In the book, he plans on discussing his decisions such as invading Afghanistan and to begin the War in Iraq. He wants readers to see his point of view, raw and uncut.

While I applaud the audacity to share his opinions on his controversial two terms in office, I really don't think America will be too psyched to sink their teeth into Bush's book. I mean, look at the grandiose mess we're in now. Americans are having enough financial issues, and probably will not be willing to spend however amount of money on the man who turned our country into the ground.

Do you guys think this is too soon? Does a Bush memoir really have consumer appeal right now?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Bristol Palin Further Proves she Needs to be on the Jerry Springer Show

According to, Bristol Palin, 18, has broken up with her son Tripp's father, Levi Johnston. They had previously announced plans to wed in hopes of providing a healthy home life for their newborn son. one saw this one coming! I have to admit, though, sometimes I really feel bad for this girl. You know if she had been taught properly about birth control, pregnancy, or freedom to choose as a woman, Bristol probably would have made better decisions. However, when your mom is uber-conservative Sarah Palin, it must be hard to actually make your own, let alone good, choices.

I really just hope Bristol and her son can have a normal life, and that someday she can have the opportunity to attend college and have a real career. What are your thoughts on Bristol and her family life?

Madoff Pleads Guilty to 11 Felony Counts

Today, according to, financier Bernie Madoff has pleaded guilty to all charges held against him. Madoff was involved in perhaps the largest Ponzi Scheme of all-time, and his disgraceful and deceitful actions have cheated countless people and organizations out of all of their life savings. He pleaded guilty to 11 felony charges, and could potentially receive a sentence of 150 years in jail.

“'I cannot adequately express how sorry I am for what I have done,” Madoff told the court, admitting that for many years he had operated a Ponzi scheme. He added that he is “painfully aware” that he has “deeply hurt many many people,'” according to MSNBC.

It is estimated that Madoff cost his investors in between ten and sixteen billion dollars. In addition, not only did numerous people lose money, years of philanthopy done for charities have been wiped out. Jewish organizations, such as Hadassah and Taglit Birthright Israel have basically been depleted because of investing with Madoff.

Hopefully, Madoff will receive a proper punishment for cheating so many people out of their live savings and their trust for the business world.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Stem Cell Research Gains Momentum

A major victory was won today for science, technology, and medical innovation. On both "The Rachel Maddow Show" and "Countdown with Keith Olbermann," each political analyst revealed how Obama has reversed Bush's previous anti-Stem Cell Research ban. Obama declared that this was a win for science, and against efforts to make political decisions based on personal ideology. This overturning of Bush's plan will greatly increase funding for Stem Cell Research, and will hopefully lead to cure creations for diseases such as Diabetes, Parkinson's Disease, and Alzheimer's disease. In addition, Obama has emphasized the importance of "scientific integrity" and how the government must support a decision that could have the ability to ease human suffering. A breakthrough in this research could potentially help over millions of Americans and countless others around the world.

I am thrilled to see increasing funding for stem cell research. With increased biomedical research and experimentation, who knows what diseases could be eradicated. Some believe that stem cells may even be able to be used to cure some types of cancer.

What do you guys think? Will increased stem cell research be beneficial to our country?

Mexico: Home to pristine beaches, guacamole, and...drug wars?

When I watched "The Rachel Maddow Show," along with checking out the MSNBC website today, I was shocked to see how intense the Mexican drug cartel war has gotten. Has coverage of this shocked anyone else this much, too?

According to, "The concern is very real. Mexican drug cartels already control about 90 percent of the cocaine trade across the United States and most of the market for marijuana, methamphetamine and heroin, with operations in 230 cities, according to the U.S. Justice Department’s National Drug Intelligence Center...Mexican drug-trafficking organizations — known in law enforcement lingo as DTOs — “control drug distribution in most U.S. cities, and they are gaining strength in markets that they do not yet control,” the National Drug Intelligence Center reported in its 2009 National Drug Threat Assessment. The report warned that violent urban gangs connected to Mexican cartels were extending their network “from inner cities to suburban and rural areas. Its conclusion: “Mexican DTOs represent the greatest organized crime threat to the United States."

Have U.S. government officials been silenced about this issue? How has there been barely any media coverage of the Mexican drug cartel until recently? This surely has not fallen out of thin air. If not followed up with properly, this could lead to major international conflict. Janet Napolitano, Obama's Homeland Security Secretary, however, seemed confident that this conflict and threat could be dealt with efficiently. Let's hope this is the case.

The State of the Unions

Tonight on, "The Rachel Maddow Show," Ms. Maddow discussed the potentially controversial Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA.) If this legislation is passed, it will be easier for employees within a business to create and form unions. While Democrats support this bill, Republicans firmly oppose it. Senator John McCain even suggested the Act was anti-democracy and even, "dangerous for America." Some Republican politicians even see this as worse than the highly opposed stimulus bill and Obama's budget plan.

Isn't the freedom to organize unions one of the basic rights of an American? Are the Republicans catching on to something we don't see, or are they just overreacting to stand the ground of their party?

Are both parties going to be this finnicky for the next four years? Can't we all just get along?