Monday, April 13, 2009

Ron Paul is Back and Siding with the Republicans

Rachel Maddow is now reporting that libertarian Presidential nominee and party leader, Ron Paul, is joining forces with the Republican party in order to work together to challenge the current economic recession. Recently, conservatives have been trying to "teabag," yes, teabag, Congress and the White House in order to make a change in Obama's current economic policy.

Paul is hoping to end the Federal Reserve System and to somehow return to the policies of the Gold Standard. This is fairly impossible to do, in my perspective, in such a global economy. In addition, he, like most conservative fiscal policy supporters, is protesting against the rise in income taxes.

Maddow covered this segment in a somewhat mocking tone, which isn't surprising, considering her support of the Democratic party. I found the segment fairly funny, especially the clip of a Fox News anchor telling viewers to "teabag" the current administration. I'm still not quite sure what the real message of doing that is! Um, suggesting Americans to go back to colonial protesting strategies, I presume? However, she did cover Ron Paul, which is providing some kind of bipartisan coverage to her show, even if she's not a fan of conservatives.

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