Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Obama Making Efforts at Global Diplomacy

Tonight, on the Rachel Maddow Show, Rachel discussed Obama's efforts at new global diplomacy, a diplomacy where no country is excluded. According to the show, the time when the United States and Russia were "enemies" are now over. In addition, Obama plans to work with China to work hand in hand to improve the current economic crisis.

Coincidentally, Rachel interviewed Colin Powell earlier than day, and he was able to share great wisdom on Obama's efforts to spread diplomacy, especially in areas where our reputation has withered away. Powell praised Obama for attempting to improve relations with Afghanistan, despite our failures and war on their soil. He believes that improving relations with the Middle East, with leaders from Afghanistan and Pakistan, is essential, even if they were or still are our enemies.

From a communications standpoint, this story is certainly framed to make Obama and his efforts of diplomacy look good. Although this should be expected from a liberal political analyst, I think Obama is doing a great thing in trying to heal wounds with the Middle East, Russia, and China. Nowadays, everything is global. We can't afford to have enemies around every corner, nor would it help us in any way. Having alliances will also help the current recession by having countries aroumd the world giving ideas and help. Working closely with China and Russia especially is a great step for the United States, and I look forward to seeing our countries accepting one another, rather than feuding with each other.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that Obama's efforts to patch relations with the Middle East is an important step for America right now and that having more alliances may not only help the recession in terms of advice or help but also because it would mean less money spent on war and defense. Like Lauren said, Powell's liberal standpoint certainly may have influenced the way the media told the story but if you think of how this story could be told otherwise from a dissenting point of view, it would be difficult to make Obama look bad here. Don't get me wrong, it could be done, but I can't help but feel like not many would agree with whoever was saying Obama was making a mistake since there is so much to benefit from by carrying out this diplomatic attempt to make up with our enemies. At a time when so much of the world views Americans so negatively, I think Obama is smart to try to regain friendly relations with other nations so that we can all benefit from each others' help in this time of crisis.
