Friday, April 10, 2009

John McCain's Daughter to Become an Author

From a political standpoint, I think it's extremely "cool" and liberal of to cover John McCain's daughter, Megan in a positive light. We all know MSNBC is not the biggest fan of Republicans or anyone remotely conservative.

However, Megan McCain is writing a book about politics, since her children's book, "My Dad, John McCain," became incredibly successful. She is a proud Republican, but wants to write a book because she has not always fully "fit in" with other members of the party. According to the website, "McCain, an emerging Republican voice, plans to address how the party can change its image, attract younger voters and get them involved, among other topics."

From my perspective, I think it is great that a young person, especially a daughter of a well-known politician, is trying to make the Republican party more moderate while attracting new followers. From a communications standpoint, this article and her motives are great public relations moves for the Republican party, since they felt a great loss of support in the 2009 election of Barack Obama.

1 comment:

  1. I am pleased to hear that MSNBC covered this story the way they did also. I understand the different media outlets are going to affiliate with different standpoints but it is important to not let biases become an issue in every story, if not for any other reason then just for the sake of telling the news. I don't know about other people, but I know when I read or hear a positive story from an outlet that sides one way about something or someone that sides the other way, I can't help but feel like there's more truth to it, because there is no hidden incentives or interior motives to drive that story other than for news-reporting purposes.

    I also agree with your comments on Megan McCain and how she is doing a good thing for the Republican party. I feel as though the youth of America has a harder time associating with the Republican party than it does with the Democratic party, and it would be in the party's best interest to find ways to reach out to them. As a Democrat, I feel as though I would even appreciate a more youthful approach from the Republican party so I could better understand its stances and such.
