Monday, April 13, 2009

Ron Paul is Back and Siding with the Republicans

Rachel Maddow is now reporting that libertarian Presidential nominee and party leader, Ron Paul, is joining forces with the Republican party in order to work together to challenge the current economic recession. Recently, conservatives have been trying to "teabag," yes, teabag, Congress and the White House in order to make a change in Obama's current economic policy.

Paul is hoping to end the Federal Reserve System and to somehow return to the policies of the Gold Standard. This is fairly impossible to do, in my perspective, in such a global economy. In addition, he, like most conservative fiscal policy supporters, is protesting against the rise in income taxes.

Maddow covered this segment in a somewhat mocking tone, which isn't surprising, considering her support of the Democratic party. I found the segment fairly funny, especially the clip of a Fox News anchor telling viewers to "teabag" the current administration. I'm still not quite sure what the real message of doing that is! Um, suggesting Americans to go back to colonial protesting strategies, I presume? However, she did cover Ron Paul, which is providing some kind of bipartisan coverage to her show, even if she's not a fan of conservatives.

Obama Taking Away Rights of Prisoners

Tonight, on the Rachel Maddow Show, Maddow is discussing the issue of Habeas Corpus and whether these rights should be given to "third country prisoners." Although Obama has said before his election that he wanted third country prisoners to retain human rights and access to a courtroom trial, he is now repealing the rights of prisoners in Bagram, Afghanistan, a Guantanamo Bay kind of prison.

This is one of the first times I've seen Rachel Maddow disagree with Obama, so as a Communications student, I find this coverage especially interesting. As someone who is known as one of the most influential liberal news anchors, it is kind of a big deal that she is having such a large segment discussing the negative outcomes of the decision Obama made on Friday.

Maddow is worried that Obama will follow the Bush Administration's lead on interrogation of prisoners. In addtion, she noted how many policies Obama has agreed with Bush on lately, which seemed to trouble her. She hopes that Obama will rethink his decision before everything becomes official regarding the issue later in the week.

Although this is a tough issue since it involves morals and ethics, I agree with Maddow, and not Obama. Even though the prisoners of Bagram are indeed, prisoners, this doesn't mean they are no longer people in the eyes of the law. Whether one is a prisoner on United States soil or in Bagram, he or she deserves proper treatment, in addition to having an option to have a fair and equal trial.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Long Weekends may Help Companies skip Layoffs

According to, numerous companies that are facing economic hardships because of the recession are questioning whether adding multiple long weekends per year will allow them to parlay firing employees. Employees in question can also have the option to choose the weekends they would like a three day weekend. However, these three day weekends would be unpaid, but a day less of pay is a better option for everyone instead of losing a job.

"Employees would receive no pay for their furlough days, but their benefits — health care, retirement, pension contributions, and so on — would continue uninterrupted. Starting and stopping these benefits multiple times would be like trying to do the same to an aircraft carrier," writes Frank Ahrens. He adds, "Employers could save billions in salary expenses — savings that could prevent layoffs and free up capital for growth or to aid the company's balance sheet. Companies that make layoffs typically see a quick spike in stock price but often suffer longer-term image problems that hurt their value as they begin to be seen as unhealthy. For workers, there could be numerous benefits. And they wouldn't necessarily have to give up their earning power."

One benefit of doing this is that employees have control over their fate at the workplace, and will not have to fear decisions of their bosses. In addition, on their days off, workers can add a second income job to help them and their families get by.

This is one of the first positive articles I have read about jobs and the economy. For one, very few media sources actually provide solutions to the economic crisis. Also, this plan could work and be beneficial to all, and will hopefully save a lot of jobs. Maybe if newspapers and MSNBC shows shared more progress and solutions such as this, people would not be as pessimistic as they are about the recession.

John McCain's Daughter to Become an Author

From a political standpoint, I think it's extremely "cool" and liberal of to cover John McCain's daughter, Megan in a positive light. We all know MSNBC is not the biggest fan of Republicans or anyone remotely conservative.

However, Megan McCain is writing a book about politics, since her children's book, "My Dad, John McCain," became incredibly successful. She is a proud Republican, but wants to write a book because she has not always fully "fit in" with other members of the party. According to the website, "McCain, an emerging Republican voice, plans to address how the party can change its image, attract younger voters and get them involved, among other topics."

From my perspective, I think it is great that a young person, especially a daughter of a well-known politician, is trying to make the Republican party more moderate while attracting new followers. From a communications standpoint, this article and her motives are great public relations moves for the Republican party, since they felt a great loss of support in the 2009 election of Barack Obama.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Israeli-Palestinian Relations Face Unfair Bias

According to, "An ax-wielding Palestinian militant entered a Jewish settlement in the West Bank on Thursday and went on a rampage, killing an Israeli teenager and wounding a young boy before fleeing the area. Authorities said a manhunt was under way for the assailant, who was believed to have been wounded by security guards...On Wednesday, Netanyahu's foreign minister, Avigdor Lieberman, said Israeli concessions to the Palestinians would only bring more war. He also rejected the previous government's peace talks, launched at a U.S.-sponsored conference in 2007."

The story, written by the AP, suggests that Netanyahu and the Israeli government are not working hard enough to achieve peace with the Palestinian nation's government. However, these kind of issues within the Arab-Israeli conflict are not so black and white. Recently in the press, there has been harsher criticism of Israel and its government. Meanwhile, terrorism and fear is still high amongst Israeli Jews. How did this story about a poor boy being axed to death turn into a criticism of Netanyahu anyways? Israelis live each day in fear, as the Palestinians also do, but if one side backs down to the other too soon, it could be the end of each nation as we know it. Both sides have the resources to blow the other to smitherines.

While I agree there should be peace between each other, the media makes it seem much simpler than it actually is. There is truly no right answer to how this conflict should be solved. If there was, the Arab-Israeli conflict would be ancient history. Hopefully, Obama's new agenda of global diplomacy will include peace talks with both sides, creating a safer atmosphere within the borders of Israel.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Obama Making Efforts at Global Diplomacy

Tonight, on the Rachel Maddow Show, Rachel discussed Obama's efforts at new global diplomacy, a diplomacy where no country is excluded. According to the show, the time when the United States and Russia were "enemies" are now over. In addition, Obama plans to work with China to work hand in hand to improve the current economic crisis.

Coincidentally, Rachel interviewed Colin Powell earlier than day, and he was able to share great wisdom on Obama's efforts to spread diplomacy, especially in areas where our reputation has withered away. Powell praised Obama for attempting to improve relations with Afghanistan, despite our failures and war on their soil. He believes that improving relations with the Middle East, with leaders from Afghanistan and Pakistan, is essential, even if they were or still are our enemies.

From a communications standpoint, this story is certainly framed to make Obama and his efforts of diplomacy look good. Although this should be expected from a liberal political analyst, I think Obama is doing a great thing in trying to heal wounds with the Middle East, Russia, and China. Nowadays, everything is global. We can't afford to have enemies around every corner, nor would it help us in any way. Having alliances will also help the current recession by having countries aroumd the world giving ideas and help. Working closely with China and Russia especially is a great step for the United States, and I look forward to seeing our countries accepting one another, rather than feuding with each other.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

An AIG Exec does the Right Thing?

In a surprising turn of events from a few days ago, an AIG executive vice president of the financial division in New York, Jake DeSantis, is resigning from his position and donating his entire bonus to charity, according to MSNBC. Despite feeling unfairly targeted for his work with the financial products division of the company, he feels the most ethical move is to leave his position with AIG.

According to the MSNBC website, DeSantis said, "We in the financial products unit have been betrayed by AIG and are being unfairly persecuted by elected officials. In response to this, I will now leave the company and donate my entire post-tax retention payment to those suffering from the global economic downturn. My intent is to keep none of the money myself."

DeSantis has worked for AIG for eleven years. He claims he can no longer work in such a crazy environment, and was also not "paid out" to leave the company. According to reports, however, DeSantis has said that he feels betrayed by the new Chairman and CEO of AIG, Edward Liddy, and his lack of reverence for his employees.

In another positive turn of events for AIG and the financial world, New York Attorney General, Andrew Cuomo has revealed that 15 out of the 20 AIG employees who received bonuses have agreed to return them.

Wow. I am so relieved to see some morality from these AIG employees. Although I agree that many of these financial bigwigs are shallow and selfish, I was always certain that were a few good guys in this industry. The media certainly loves talking about the bad apples, rather than praising the good men like DeSantis. One of the main problems with news today is the lack of objectivity, as we have learned in class. The media loves tearing the Madoff's of the world apart, whereas the DeSantis of the world will only get an article or two to shine.

All in all, I am thrilled that there is some good in what's left of Wall Street. Hopefully, as the new economy grows, more and more people like these will repair what has been damaged, and the Madoffs and Fulds of finance will merely become a distant memory.