Thursday, February 26, 2009

Recession Pessimism

According to MSNBC, 51% of Americans are pessimistic about the current state of the economy and the path we are on for 2009, whereas 49% are optimistic that things will get better. Even after President Obama's uplifting speech about his stimulus and budget plan, most Americans still see 2009 as a year of economic stress. Obama announced his $4 trillion, yes trillion, budget plan, and tried to assure the American public that even though it will take time, tax cuts and universal healthcare efforts will exonerate most Americans of their final troubles.

Personally, I believe that the economy will get worse before it gets better, but in due time, the stock market will be on the rise, foreclosures will slow down, and credit will be reimbursed. It is only natural that an economic recession will turn into financial progression.

What do you guys think? What do you think lies ahead economically for 2009?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

"It's not about helping banks...but helping people."

Tonight, President Barack Obama addressed Congress and the nation about his plan to transform and stimulate the American economy. Throughout his speech, he made many great points about the proper moves to get the country out of a recession. Some of the high points of his speech include comments about green energy creation in order to lessen pollution and create jobs, and statements about how banks should still allow families to receive loans to buy homes and cars. Since unemployment is high, millions of homes are in danger of foreclosure, and many Americans are in danger of losing health insurance, Obama did a great job assuring America that there are indeed solutions to this economic mess. Will his new Act he is passing do the trick? Sure, it will take time to get the nation out of the recession because of the extent of the housing and credit crisis, but Obama's oratory gave myself (and I'm sure most Americans) hope that change will come. Reform is key, and I am hopeful that it will come.

Check out Barack Obama's Presidential Address to Congress!

Tune in to MSNBC (channel 33 for you Lehigh students) at 9 PM, EST, for Obama's Presidential Address! Will his speech strengthen efforts for party bipartisanship? We'll find out in a minute!

Rupert Murdoch's Apology: Too little, too late?

Tonight, on Countdown with Keith Olbermann, Olbermann and Reverend Al Sharpton discussed Newscorp CEO Rupert Murdoch's apology for the New York Post political cartoon that shocked the nation. For those of you who need a refresher, the Post published a cartoon that revealed police officers shooting a monkey, and the caption read, "They'll have to find someone else to write the stimulus bill." This caused a stir because of the apparent racial undertones associated with the image of the monkey, which was obviously meant to be President Barack Obama who had just presented his idea for the Stimulus Bill for the economy. Murdoch issued an apology in the New York Post, but did it truly erase the negative press the cartoon received? Olbermann and Sharpton both agreed the racist cartoon will be remembered for a while, and it was perhaps, too little of an apology for such a shocking image.

However, there is freedom of the press and of speech in our country.

Should newspapers be able to publish whatever they want, even if it is bound to offend readers? Or should the Post have been more respectful of President Obama and the newly passed Stimulus Bill? What do you guys think?